Among apprentices, the step from apprentice to journeyman was often marked by some ceremonial humiliation.
She was indeed ready to graduate from apprentice to journeyman, if he was any judge.
Their association lasted ten years or more, and it is likely that at some point Jonathan graduated from apprentice to partner.
That's because he loves his job and has risen steadily to superintendent from apprentice.
The term originates from the French word stagiaire meaning trainee, apprentice or intern.
Over the next four years Sandage advanced from apprentice to assistant to Hubble's heir.
From apprentice, he rises to merchant, banker, master of warcraft, and adviser to kings.
The trader turned from apprentice to Master and spread his arms wide, nearly knocking over his cup.
It will also be a test for Elizabeth's promotion from apprentice.
Teachers will now be placed in five categories, from apprentice to accomplished.