That's up from an average of $8 to $10 five years ago.
That was up from a daily average of 224,000 early in 1992.
"That's up from an average of just under 60 percent in 1986."
Property values have gone from an average of $10,000 to about $130,000 a house.
That is up from an average of seven hours in previous years, he said.
The project sold out within two years, with prices from an average of $500,000 a house to $700,000 over the period.
Visitors to the market reached 460,000 a day, up from an average of 20,000.
That was up from an average of 200,000 in 1987, Nelson said.
During the regular season, goals a game went up from an average of 5.2 to 5.3.
And prices rose from an average of $284,650 in '95 to $289,850 last year, a 1.8 percent increase.