Ponds where the fish leap, and frogs sing their merry songs of night.
Toads and edible frogs sang their evening chorus, and sometimes provided a meal.
It was spring in this part of the world, and frogs sang lustily of love in the rushes at the river's edge just upstream.
'Ten little speckled frogs,' sang Jed until Tommy squeezed him.
The frogs sang, and things stirred the water so that the light skittered on the surface suddenly, even deep among the high weeds.
The frogs sing in the night around Stella's pool with its lily pads and wild irises.
Small frogs sang all around me, and the stiff leaves of cattails rustled softly in the evening breeze.
Outside, the frogs and toads and bugs were singing their nightly rural opera.
In the spring, the frogs sing and sing.
Drops of water continued to splat down out of the trees, and frogs and insects sang, although nothing else moved or made a sound.