Chinatown focuses on his own needs before those of the family, using his money on frivolous items such as a gold tooth.
But the times are too tough, he said, to be spending money on frivolous items.
Although they almost waste their money on frivolous items, Andy insists they need to take Ben's advice.
We need to be convinced of the importance of gadgets before we buy such frivolous items.
It also paid for a Sony PlayStation, but this was no frivolous item.
Many students spent their cash on frivolous items, from expensive nail extensions to a good haircut to a second ear piercing.
Senator Hoffmann contended Thursday night that the museum was not a frivolous item.
Ms. Svopa's "system" is a kit, containing items both useful and frivolous, that is meant to accompany the father-to-be to the hospital.
But shoppers are not spending much on the more frivolous items.
She said that she was buying bedding and other practical gifts for people, not frivolous items.