I followed the reef along till I approached the fringed end.
This time, though, he had a wide, golden cord tied high around his left arm, the fringed ends hanging almost to his elbow.
He fell, the fringed end of his red wool mufflerflapping above him.
The long fringed ends trailed down to the hem of her gown.
These ribbons were tied into a knot which left the fringed end free.
The fringed end of somebody's woolen scarf trailed into his face, and he batted it away.
The sash is worn around the waist, tied in the middle, with the fringed ends hanging.
This procedure rebuilds the fringed ends of the fallopian tube.
Around their waist they wear a thick sash with fringed ends.
She pulled the fringed end up to her chin.