Growing up in Idaho, Rohwer learned scuba diving in a frigid glacial lake.
Remember nature hikes and swims in frigid lakes, compulsory letters home, baseball games and cabin pranks, first kisses and, finally, not wanting to say goodbye at the end of camp?
Even good friends knew only that it was somewhere amid the rolling peaks and frigid lakes of the six-million-acre mountain region.
Then finally, after increasingly scathing comments from Kai regarding his masculinity, he tested the water by dipping a single toe in the frigid lake.
First was a tube, fully two feet in diameter, that shot out like an elephant's trunk, to dip into that inconceivably frigid lake.
The captains had no compelling need for the hydrogen, since those frigid lakes couldn't fuel the Great Ship's engines for more than a few breaths.
A winter sun casts a welcome glow on the snow-covered hillside but cannot penetrate the frigid lake below.
He had just finished soaking his leg in the frigid lake.
So field trials were conducted in sites ranging from frigid Canadian lakes to warmer Southern rivers.
Silva stripped off his shoes and shorts and and waded into one of the frigid lakes to cool his tired legs.