The two countries share an 845-mile border, where temperatures swing from hot to frigid every day.
When it occurred again on a frigid day in Michigan, I blamed the cold.
Many other issues remain to be hammered out, but none justify a strike, especially in the frigid days before the holidays.
But this year the weather was mild, with little snow and few frigid days.
A couple of times, on really frigid days, he'd had it freeze in the mustache and beard he was growing.
One frigid day late in January, shots rang out somewhere around the square.
When Charlie went back outside, he felt again how frigid the day was.
Emerging, I felt indomitably warm, and on a frigid day, that was no small thing.
On frigid days, he would be the only one out there.
The sunny, if frigid, day provided refreshing relief to the Dole campaign.