He often joked that his background was frighteningly similar to many of the "conservative homophobes" with whom he crossed political swords.
He sighed heavily, which, once again, sounded frighteningly similar to an earthquake rumbling in the distance.
Here you'll find a frighteningly similar setup, with a range of sandwiches, wraps and sushi perfect for eating on the run between sights.
This mentality is frighteningly similar to that of the opportunistic thief:
Piniero gave a smirk that was frighteningly similar to Krim's.
Tran snorted, sounding frighteningly similar to Kav.
They are frighteningly similar to how baseball began to move toward commissioner-less chaos despite appearing to be richer than ever in the late 1980's.
"He was actually using a version of a holo-emitter frighteningly similar to the one used by our very own Doctor."
It has happened many times in the past, with a frighteningly similar pattern.
Related to Gathers Marable's death on Tuesday afternoon was frighteningly similar to that of his late cousin.