Q. But "Cradle" is a frightening tale about a doctor as villain, and there are three murders in this book.
Megan Neyer looked back at her early years in diving and told a frightening tale.
Before Nancy has a chance to start work on her father's case, a golf caddy tells her a frightening tale.
We alone have been invited to understand his bizarre and often frightening tale.
"Is it a ghost story, a frightening tale best told around the campfire?"
The four men were silent for a long time, absorbing the frightening tale.
Long shadows danced eerily and brought to mind too many frightening tales of the horrors to be found under the canopy of trees.
Some of the rowdier members will tell frightening tales of their prodigious capacity for menace.
I do not have a great stomach for such frightening tales.
"This is a frightening tale you weave, Tom Paris."