He wiped a hand back across his shaved head as he considered the frightening implications.
A sudden image flooded through his mind, its implications both hopeful and frightening.
Still, all in all, it was a dead end, with frightening implications.
The assumption that The Strangler had known of the stone held frightening implications that he couldn't afford to disregard.
For adopted children, those issues often have potentially frightening implications.
Unfortunately, the piece is long on frightening implications and short on detailed analysis of the proposal in question.
To the Editor: President Clinton's task force on welfare reform has outlined a plan with frightening implications.
To Jehubabel, trained in the ways of Judaisrn, the sentence had frightening implications, but to Menelaus it was words only.
"It promotes a certain callousness which has frightening implications for the future."
And it has frightening implications, he said.