Meg knelt in front of the great, frightening, and strangely beautiful creature.
Without them she can identify spirit agents and gods, though they appear to her as frightening creatures covered in a black aura.
At the sight of this formidable, frightening creature, the head clark, forgetting completely about church protocol, turned and fled.
-Other frightening creatures do live up to their hype, however.
And a strange procession of weird entities and frightening creatures have been with us just as long.
By frightening creatures who deserve what they get for having no sense of humor.
Let's give ourselves an officially sanctioned break from the sometimes frightening creature we are the other 364 days of the year.
He had to assume that there was more than one of these frightening creatures, and that they were probably watching the whole valley.
Surely any woman would be proud of such a magnificent but frightening creature?
Possibly the most frightening creature in the entire galaxy.