Even as he was drawing his unpalatable and frightening conclusions, Chauvelin heard a hiss of anger from his wife.
It was at that point that he suddenly heard his mother's scream, and came to the frightening conclusion that he was about to find out.
It was a frightening conclusion.
He came to the frightening conclusion that during their time in exile, the Jews had lost all true knowledge of God.
It's a frightening conclusion, but it's the only one.
My father came to some frightening conclusions about the Ban-ali.
My father and the medical doctor of the group began to formulate a frightening conclusion.
What a bizarre and frightening conclusion Maria and I had stumbled upon.
The frightening conclusion, if mockery precedes mimicry, is that any minute now we'll all be working for Tina Brown.
That is in fact the most frightening conclusion of the report.