Follows the investigation of two U.S. pilots in relation to a friendly-fire incident in the war in Afghanistan in which four Canadian soldiers died.
On 10 April, two Sea Furies were attacked by American F4Us in a friendly-fire incident.
Forward air controllers (Flivos) were attached to every mechanised and panzer division, to allow for accurate air support, free from friendly-fire incidents and in real time.
In the event, Feibig had been operating with without radios for the most part, and friendly-fire incidents were avoided by the use of signal panels and flags.
On 30 July, 40 pro-government tribal fighters were killed in a friendly-fire incident in which government forces accidentally launched airstrikes on their positions.
A character's health suffers from attacks from any Infected, environmental effects such as fires, and from friendly-fire incidents.
A friendly-fire incident on that day saw a 101 Squadron Mirage damage a 119 Squadron jet, although the aircraft made it safely back to base.
Jay's father was in the military during the first Iraq war and was court-martialed for a friendly-fire incident that took American lives.
Corporal Tillman was killed by an American soldier in a friendly-fire incident.
Liaison officers were attached to the Nationalist Army, and improved coordination continued in the second half of 1937 despite occasional friendly-fire incidents.