He shook Mevrouw Schatt's hand and exchanged a friendly remark.
"This is a remark- ably friendly greeting for a stranger."
More, when you considered the situation, a friendly remark.
With the friendly remarks behind him, he launched into a vicious description of ". . . the deadliest consumer product ever manufactured.
The man smiled at the girl and must have passed some friendly remark, for she looked at him agreeably before returning to her inspection of the petticoats.
So all during the meal he smiled and made friendly remarks and it was only I who noticed what he was doing with the handkerchief.
As he takes the tickets, the cheery conductor has a friendly remark for each passenger.
He is hardly someone who has made friendly remarks about the coal industry of late.
The sound of clumping boots came from outside, and then Jamie's voice, a friendly remark to a chicken that crossed his path.
Staring up into Sophie's face, Valeria addressed a friendly remark to her in what was clearly a private foreign language.