It could overwhelm the area, toppling friendly regimes, endangering critical sources of oil to the whole free world.
Training was provided to so-called friendly anti-Communist regimes, without regard to whether they were dictatorships or not.
Along with a fiscally friendly regime - no capital gains or inheritance taxes - this makes it an enticing place to live.
The challenge in both cases was to create a friendly regime strong enough to let Americans leave, as two recent magazine articles remind us.
And put up with the overthrow of friendly Muslim regimes?
And, as I'd expected, my efforts had no result except to irritate a basically friendly regime and turn it into an enemy.
Not mentioning the fact that importing all our energy makes us dependent on countries with not terribly stable or friendly regimes.
At first this was unsettling, because it operates a far more friendly, if less predictable, regime than your average accommodation.
The question isn't a matter of choosing between support for friendly, democratic regimes in Latin America and fighting drugs.
The Europeans and their American business partners hoped to establish stable and friendly regimes.