A week later he played the first half of a 0-1 friendly loss with Italy, in Rome.
He also played in a 3-2 friendly loss to Egypt.
He scored his second from the penalty spot in a friendly loss to Croatia.
He scored his first goal on 3 June 2010, in a 1-2 friendly loss against Mexico.
He made his senior debut on 28 December 1996 in a 2-3 friendly loss with Yugoslavia.
It was repeated on December 28, with no friendly losses.
Belgium finished the year 2012 with a 2-1 friendly loss in Romania.
Five days later, he made his debut, in a friendly loss against England.
He would play his last game against Yugoslavia on March 25, 2000 in a 1-0 friendly loss.
Despite the friendly losses, it was starting to feel like not such a bad night's work after all.