The clerk, formerly so friendly, now seemed severe.
The friendly clerk called him back over to her counter and handed him a cup of coffee, apologizing that his letter was still not there.
During her study period she reached a friendly clerk at the courthouse, who pulled the probate records on the Raspail estate.
He told the friendly clerk that he was after an exclusive financial story for his paper.
However, on one of my visits to the Register, a friendly clerk helped me uncover a few facts.
Even so, he was wary when he entered the employment office and took the application a friendly clerk handed him.
When we checked in, the friendly clerk at the desk offered us a glass of sparkling water, then took us right up to our room.
I asked at the desk about a room, and the friendly clerk took me upstairs in a vintage birdcage elevator.
I did get lost once, but stopped at a store and asked for directions from the friendly clerk, who also gave me a better map.
A friendly clerk gave me the information that I needed.