Also friends (again not real life) with someone who posts endlessly about her cat, which is even worse.
On Facebook, for example, one's "friends" have the privilege of viewing and posting to one's "wall".
One friend posted a shot of Spears on stage, which she retweeted for her own followers.
He remained behind bars until May 18, when a friend posted the $250 bail.
His friend recorded their conversation in hospital and posted it on YouTube.
A friend of mine had all of her pictures stolen (yes, she has privacy on) and then posted to another account with a different name.
It was in a small liquor cabinet that my brother-in-law agreed to store for a friend posted abroad.
Within hours of the boy's death, a friend had posted a memorial to him on
He intended it only as a storage site for his father's salty comments, but a friend posted a link to it.
On the site yesterday, friends posted dozens of messages to him.