During the famine between 1871-73 he and his friends established a society called Veera Sangam, to serve those affected.
So he picks up a little money helping a friend establish a physical therapy clinic.
His disciples and friends established in his honor a social and teaching foundation which they named after him.
In 1918, they and a few friends established the U.S. Overall Company.
In 1990, her friend established a record label and Kahimi was asked to participate.
Good friends establish a rhythm: first one cancels, then the other.
Also, his wife and friends have established a Foundation named after him.
Following his death, friends from university established the 'Nick Clarke Prize'.
A friend of mine, a doctor, must establish himself in America.
In January 1988, van Rij and several friends established a steering committee for a new political party based on the Canadian model.