Often, the typical freshman has just graduated from high school and commonly begins college using a predetermined college meal plan.
A black freshman begins getting racist notes, clearly from someone on the campus.
Stage Three: Storming, the stage in which the freshmen begin to fight for roles in the group.
In August 2009, 105 freshman (class of 2013) began at Everest.
In response, freshman began to have bonfires outside of their dormitories and take shifts guarding the "P".
As of 2009, freshmen began studying at a new campus just up Broadway.
The school day was increased and the freshmen and some sophomores began classes later in the morning.
Or maybe Connecticut, which has no seniors and features four freshmen who play significant minutes, is just beginning to show its age.
Also during this season, a young upstart freshman, Kiwane Garris, would begin his assault on the all-time scoring list.
Beginning in the 2005-2006 school year, freshmen began to rotate into Avery, changing its status from an undergraduate housing option to a fully represented House.