I can plainly see, in the work you are doing, the fresh shoots that will flower in a new age.
But he knew winter never had much of a march here, and soon enough fresh green shoots would brave their way among the old.
And until we do so, fresh shoots of the same philosophy will continually arise from its underground roots.
Take with you a fresh shoot from the same kind of plant which has no aphids on it.
At the same time top up the water and, if necessary, replace the shoot with a fresh shoot of the same kind.
Food mainly consists of leaves, but also fresh shoots, flowers, bark, and some fruits.
Then the plants will bush out, putting forth fresh shoots at frequent intervals.
Cooked fresh shoots or beans can also be eaten.
The last heavy snow of the winter was melting, and fresh green shoots of spring growth were poking through.
During the growing season, larvae bore in fresh shoots, often destroying them and preventing terminal growth.