Swap pepperoni on your pizza for veggies such as fresh broccoli and peppers.
They sat in the kitchen at Neil's house, polishing off the remains of one of Susan's cheese-and-bacon pies, with fresh broccoli and red potatoes.
Some skeptics noted that early April was not exactly the season for some of the items, such as the fresh broccoli.
Nussinow mixes fresh broccoli into her pasta during the last three minutes of cooking so both are ready at the same time.
The fresh broccoli was on sale so I bought a big bag.
Also notable were two soups: tangy ginger-carrot and broccoli-cheese (creamy with small chunks of fresh broccoli).
And grapefruit, and tomatoes, lettuce, fresh broccoli, tons of other stuff.
Finally, the staffer displays a huge Idaho potato, which may be ordered baked, and fresh broccoli and asparagus.
She was well into her teens before she ate fresh broccoli, cauliflower or asparagus.
"Would you make them like that for me some time-maybe with a few lamb chops, some fresh broccoli, a little wine?"