Large crowds frequently watch concerts, cultural and various sporting events on the square's large electronic screen located in one of two public areas.
Guards frequently watch this area for any escapees.
He inherited a love of movies from his mother and frequently watched them on TV with her.
One can frequently watch his dresses on the red carpet at important premieres, and he is much beloved by Dutch celebrities.
When the Poppers give public talks anywhere on the Plains, security guards frequently watch the audience.
However, guards frequently watched the punch-ups, because who doesn't love witnessing a good scuffle?
Because of its elevation, fans frequently watched games from the Bluff without buying tickets.
When inside the apartment, Kayako frequently watches Naoko, however never tries to attack her.
In spite of this change, he continued to listen to "Dirty Boots", as well as beginning to frequently watch action films.
They frequently watched the beach or talked with friends instead of supervising bathers.