In some states with small legislative staffs, members frequently vote armed mostly with information furnished by lobbyists.
Heffer again became known as one of the leading left-wing Labour backbenchers who frequently voted against the government.
Then, too, road presenters make up a significant bloc of voters, and as one person interviewed put it, "they frequently vote with their future wallet in mind."
According to one study of Eurovision voting patterns, certain countries tend to form "clusters" or "cliques" by frequently voting in the same way.
During her three-year term, she frequently voted in the minority to oppose measures on forced busing of children to further integration of schools.
Although a lifelong Democrat, Naugle frequently voted for and supported Republican candidates.
They frequently vote to grant last-minute stays of execution, even when the death-row inmates' claims are plainly frivolous.
He was a strong eurosceptic and disliked the provisions of the Maastricht Treaty, voting against them frequently in early 1993.
He frequently voted in favor of the government and corporations in these dissents.
"I was a very serious flamethrower and maverick," he said of his time in Washington, frequently voting with Republicans on economic issues.