Ernie is a braggart who frequently teases Antonio.
Shep usually acts as a friend and mentor to Teeny, in contrast to Angora, who frequently teases her.
Despite frequently teasing Molly, the two are genuinely supportive of her interests.
She is also the class representative, and frequently teases Fumino about Takumi, being aware of her crush towards him.
"Obviously this neighborhood's well beyond my meager budget, thank God," she frequently teased him.
She also has a rebellious streak and frequently teases Sajid.
He frequently teased his mistress Eva Braun about her habit of wearing makeup.
Asagi frequently teases him about his constant absences, even sometimes referring to him in the past tense as if he has died already.
He was thoroughly enjoying his role as the officer in charge of the escort, although Hill and the other three frequently teased him.
Although the Fool frequently teases him, Fitz considers him a close friend.