In the latter case, it is often beside a small airport, frequently sharing the facility with other general aviation.
Spilogale are very social creatures and frequently share dens with up to seven other skunks.
Postwar buildings, on the other hand, frequently share common ventilation and may suffer from sloppy construction.
I never saw her treat a child harshly or unkindly; in fact, she would frequently share a joke with us.
Members frequently share their experiences on how they applied the Buddhist principles to solve problems from their daily life.
She frequently shared the stage with her husband of 35 years, Richard Merrell, an actor and writer, who died in 1988.
Programmers can easily share frequently used chunks of code with others in the company, cutting down on duplicated efforts.
They frequently shared the bill with the MC5.
The two parties frequently share political candidates, and support each other during election campaigns.