The women's suffrage was regarded with a level of hostility by the PNŢ, and Dreptatea frequently ridiculed Pauker's visits to women in various villages.
Kim is also a Wiccan, and a positive example of the religion in a comic that frequently ridicules them, as she frequently confronts her fellow Wiccans' behavior.
Varying widely in appearance and personality, each version took a vaguely sardonic approach to the subject matter, frequently ridiculing whatever film he happened to be hosting.
Cao Pi was recorded to frequently ridicule his subordinates.
Between playing their games, the two men keep up a constant patter, and Paul frequently ridicules Peter's weight and lack of intelligence.
Jonathan Swift and other contemporaries frequently ridicule Coward in company with John Toland, Collins, and other deists.
However, they get little to no respect from their boss or his subordinates, who frequently ridicule them.
Rival radio personalities, especially those at WLUP, frequently ridiculed Schwartz's upbeat radio program and made light of his battles with obesity.
All three of Bradshaw's marriages have ended in divorce, a subject he ridicules frequently on his pre-game show.
Paul frequently ridicules Peter's weight and lack of intelligence.