And as his strange photo display is making clear, it is a world he knows with surprising intimacy (and one he revisits frequently for fresh material).
Rather, any financing solution needs to achieve sustainablesolvency that balances projected expenditures and revenues without requiring us to frequently revisit the financing of these programs.
Her husband died in 1249, and so two years later she returned to Picardy, although she would frequently revisit the Kingdom of Scotland.
Over the next 30 years, he frequently revisited the dark green woodlands of the historic plantation site that have since become a state preserve.
Congress frequently revisits this statutory scheme and can readily correct our mistakes if we misread its meaning. . . .
After 1919, he became interested in traditional painting techniques, and worked in a neoclassical or neo-Baroque style, while frequently revisiting the metaphysical themes of his earlier work.
As a guest conductor, Kempe frequently revisited Munich conducting mostly the Italian repertory.
Paris was a city which McTell revisited frequently.
They were also recorded one a month, and Masami Akita frequently revisited older recordings.
They frequently revisit them, asking for repetitions and expansions, gathering the information in a way that suggests it is almost as necessary to their growth as food.