The mathematical signs are frequently rendered in tiny gemstones, often in contrasting colors.
The man added that his laced livery had frequently rendered him the object of odium and insult on the road.
LDraw models are frequently rendered in POV-Ray, a free 3D ray tracer.
These were frequently rendered in colored glass - maroon and forest green were real winners - banded with brass strips.
In Spanish, the plural form is colones, but it is frequently rendered in English as colons (pronounced like colognes).
The compositions of these composers are rendered frequently by artists of today.
Caolas is a word meaning "straits" and frequently rendered as "kyles" in English.
The dancers were frequently rendered as two-dimensional as the work's cartoonish sets.
The distinction between fine and commercial art does not entirely disappear, but it is frequently rendered pointless by the sheer inventiveness of much of the work.
Despite the modern dominance of 3D graphics in games, HUDs are frequently rendered with a 2D look, often using sprites.