The canton of Unterwald in Switzerland is frequently ravaged by storms and inundations, and is thereby exposed to extraordinary expenses.
However, many of the ridges surrounding the city were slums mostly rural in character without water and sewage and frequently ravaged by cholera.
A lack of proper drainage had been a major contributing factor in the epidemics that had frequently ravaged the fortress.
Durrow, like Clonard, Derry, and most other monasteries in the area, was frequently ravaged by the Vikings, but was not completely destroyed until the Norman invasion.
The region was frequently ravaged by the Teutonic Knights and was abandoned by most of its inhabitants.
However, Poles didn't regain full control until 1699 because the town was frequently ravaged by ongoing struggles between the Poles and Turks.
The Damodar Valley has been ravaged frequently by floods of varying intensities and the first of the major recorded flood dates back to 1730.
It has been ravaged frequently by wars (the Twilight Wars), though recently there has been a prolonged period of peace.
The area around Rameswaram has been frequently ravaged by several high-intensity cyclones and storms in the past.
Its territory, moreover, was frequently ravaged, notably in 1447 by Alfons V of Sicily and in 1455 by Jacopo Piccinino.