The pictures frequently manifested the newspaper's or magazine's editorial policy.
The condition is usually chronic, and frequently manifests after eating any of a range of exacerbating foods, or during times of stress, illness, or hormonal surges (particularly in women just before menstruating).
These translators frequently manifest a desire to supply what the original had omitted or to clear up what appeared ambiguous.
Among younger children, problems at school frequently manifest themselves as withdrawal or acting out, while older children may procrastinate or become increasingly anxious about tests.
In the case of water trading, the negative externalities frequently manifest in the form of third party damages.
This syndrome frequently manifests as pain when the limb is dependent and/or significant swelling of the whole limb.
Primary HSV infection in adolescents frequently manifests as severe pharyngitis with lesions developing on the cheek and gums.
The histrionic's excessive emotionality frequently manifests as rapid shifts in emotion that come across as superficial or artificial.
"You're no spirit when a pat makes you yell like that," he commented, with the grim humor which frequently manifested itself at inopportune times.