We frequently intervene to accelerate a planet's development.
Individual faculties were almost autonomous from university administration and the Ministry of Education frequently intervened directly among the faculties.
According to the local parents' association, the school was opened because the local high school had become "chaotic and the police needed to frequently intervene between students."
As the two former politicians exchanged barbs, the judges frequently intervened, saying they could not have a political debate because it was irrelevant.
Zeus, or the other gods, would frequently intervene to undo some of the damage caused by Hera's vengeance.
He begins to frequently intervene in the public space and becomes a major figure of the Street Art movement.
He frequently intervened in strategic planning and tactical operations.
He also frequently intervened with the managers of potential authors to allocate time and recognition for this activity.
Inside the government, he kept a close eye on the development of policy and frequently intervened to prod ministers in desired directions.
Public interest groups frequently intervene in cases to make arguments on how to interpret the Charter.