And whatever lack of skill they brought to the job was apparently compounded by the fact that Secret Service lists they said that they used as guides in their work were frequently inaccurate.
The fuses needed for detonating shells and cases were frequently inaccurate, causing premature or delayed explosions.
Koehler, a former correspondent for The Associated Press in Germany and a director of communications under President Ronald Reagan, surrounds his narrative with the frequently inaccurate generalizations and cliches of the cold war.
Reality is frequently inaccurate.
FRIDAY, Dec. 16 (HealthDay News) - Routine blood pressure monitoring measurements taken at clinics are frequently inaccurate and can affect treatment for high blood pressure, according to a new study.
The forecasts establish an expectation of the hurricane activity for the year, but are frequently inaccurate, often requiring subsequent forecasts.
In contrast to alcohol testing, drug testing is difficult, expensive, and frequently inaccurate.
The projections, in a five-year forecast that the Budget Division is required to make each year, are frequently inaccurate.
The two brought few skills to the task, and the Secret Service lists of White House pass holders they said they used as a guide in their work were frequently inaccurate.
Most intelligence comes from informers and is frequently inaccurate or misleading.