The ballet's socio-psychological plot tinted by fantasy, Radić set to music by prevalently neoclassic expression, with particular attention devoted to rhythm which frequently implies jazz.
Peter frequently implies that he doesn't spend much time there.
The future progressive frequently implies an assumption (You'll be coming from Glasgow?)
Criticisms of the pollution control regulations frequently imply that the high cost of compliance leads to plant closures and curtailments, which in turn translate into unemployment.
The work frequently implies an interior, psychic journey, corresponding with the physical journey of travel.
He frequently implies that knowledge is to be had by experience and by careful observation of the world.
If only May had tried harder, Ms. Peters frequently implies, she could have been a much better writer.
She would frequently imply that her son Barry would also have to kill himself, and that the date of the double-suicide would be on Valentine's Day of 1996.