That the film frequently evokes Venice at Carnevale time more than the fabled Old West seems very much the point.
He said it had a loyal following and he plans to serve it again this year, despite the head scratching it frequently evoked.
The administrator of the ritual frequently evoked protection from Jehova, the Christian God, and Jesus Christ.
She wrote, adapted or translated 22 books, each accompanied by her own illustrations, which frequently evoked Polish folk art and drew upon folk tales from her childhood.
The music, which frequently evokes a medieval mood, blends and alternates among baroque, renaissance, English folk and progressive rock music styles.
It has often been reported that when worn, the chastity belt frequently evokes sexual frustration in the wearer.
She frequently evokes nostalgic scenes, festival, harbor town, sunset etc. as a lyrical motif.
Like Sullivan, Herbert also frequently evokes and imitates music from distant places in his operettas.
He frequently evoked controversy with his comments on the show.
John King's music frequently evokes roaring winds and speeding trains.