Moreover, with diminishing oil resources, oil companies are now frequently confronted with the need to recover hydrocarbons from marginally economical reservoirs.
Maximizers are less happy in life, perhaps due to their obsession with making optimal choices in a society where people are frequently confronted with choice.
During these travels, he was frequently confronted by mobs opposing his views, sometimes violently.
Bank runs are not uncommon as the major, state-run banks are generally in poor financial shape and are frequently confronted with rumor-driven mass withdrawals.
The learner, however, is still frequently confronted by the unfamiliar.
Ritavuori, having served as Minister of Internal Affairs twice, was frequently confronted by activists representing the extreme right-wing.
Casual family photography is sometimes tolerated, but railfans are frequently confronted by security guards, who attempt to seize cameras and do not hesitate to call the local police.
Her husband is frequently confronted by new patients squinting warily and asking, "Dr. Williams?"
Small and medium-sized enterprises in particular are frequently confronted with bureaucratic barriers and discrimination which prevent them from benefiting fully from the common internal market.
In the United States, voters are frequently confronted with at least one or two unknown or little known candidates.