John Paul has frequently condemned the division of Europe and has called its reunification as a Christian continent an essential goal.
NATO's secretary general, Lord Robertson, who had frequently condemned the rebels, urged them to disarm.
He has frequently condemned Catholic persecution of Jews, and in 1986 became the first pope to set foot in a synagogue.
The religious stance of the Madras government was frequently condemned by the Hindu population.
Human rights groups have frequently condemned Gulf states in recent years for their failure to protect vulnerable migrants from South Asian countries like Sri Lanka.
While the Pope has frequently condemned abortion, sterilization and contraception, he seemed to shift emphasis today to underline permissible notions of family planning.
Nevertheless they had been widely circulated and frequently condemned.
The feature, which allowed polymorphism, was frequently condemned and seldom used.
His writings frequently condemned organized religion, Christianity in particular, as a tool used by the upper classes to maintain control over the working class.
In a phrase frequently condemned by demonstrators yesterday, he said, "Good morality is good medicine."