This frequently allows the file to be recovered using commonly available software.
A longer half-life frequently allows for administration only once a day in Opioid detoxification and maintenance programs.
The contract itself sets a clear goal for both the defence and declarer, frequently allowing a deeper level of counter-plays between them.
Modern cars, designed to meet increasingly demanding emissions regulations, frequently allow 50,000 or 100,000 miles between simple servicing.
It is argued that free capital movement, in addition to the classical reasoning of comparative advantage, frequently allows an economic expansion.
Police forces as well as entity and local governments frequently allowed or encouraged an atmosphere in which violations of religious freedom could take place.
Ms. Leeds frequently allows everyone to get ahead of her and squeeze onto a bus.
Forensic analysis of skid marks can frequently allow a reconstruction of the accident.
For example, in a forest firefighting simulation game, participants frequently allowed their headquarters to be burned down.
Many hotspot or free networks frequently allow anyone within range, including passersby outside, to connect to the Internet.