This may be amplified by frequent vomiting when the cat does choose to eat.
Bulimia, alcoholism, or binge drinking, in which frequent vomiting exposes teeth to stomach acids.
The infant exhibits fretfulness, poor feeding, and frequent vomiting.
Complaining of nausea, frequent vomiting and stomach pain, he was admitted to a Norwalk hospital, where doctors discovered blockage in his small intestine.
Contact your doctor if you have severe nausea or frequent vomiting.
Ask when your doctor wants to be notified about weight loss or frequent vomiting.
Complications like frequent vomiting were also common, and many patients needed repeat operations to repair the first one or just reverse it.
The same goes for any condition that causes frequent vomiting, from gastrointestinal problems to eating disorders.
The illness often begins suddenly and norovirus can make people feel extremely ill with frequent vomiting and diarrhea.
This isn't healthy either - stomach acids from frequent vomiting can damage the esophagus and the enamel on teeth.