For example, frequent shoppers can join a club at Neiman Marcus and with multiple purchases can earn points for later discounts or perks like lunches with celebrities.
And yes, frequent shoppers could use their discount cards for further savings.
Changes driven by the Board included renovations to the streets and alleyways, but also included efforts to draw in cafes and boutiques that would entice more middle-class customers who might become frequent shoppers.
The information can also be used in marketing products more effectively throughout a store's region, employing information about the demographics of the area and the tastes of frequent shoppers.
And almost 40 percent use frequent shopper or club cards almost every time they shop.
Confusion by supermarkets about how to use the programs and consumer privacy concerns is believed responsible for a recent retrenchment in some tests, particularly those that reward frequent shoppers with special incentives.
I would not be surprised if those with more wealth (relative to the local populace, of course) are more frequent shoppers.
"Elderly who shopped every day have 27 percent less risk of death than the least frequent shoppers" Wow!
Phyllis Castellano, a frequent shopper, got a real kick out of the Frequent Parker Card that Neiman Marcus offers at its valet parking pad.
Many of the board members were frequent shoppers at Missy's Market.