Heroin and cocaine addiction can be treated, he said, but in both cases there are frequent relapses.
Early onset (diagnosis before age 21) is associated with more frequent relapses, psychiatric hospitalizations, and more co-occurring conditions.
The rate-of-action was around three days, with a duration-of-action of one to three weeks (treated) and two to three months (untreated) with frequent relapses.
By very slow degrees, and with frequent relapses that alarmed and grieved my friend, I recovered.
Aerosolized pentamidine should not be used for the treatment of PCP because of limited efficacy and more frequent relapse (DI) (152,154,155).
Some people have frequent relapses.
Certainly, he was not out of danger, intermittent fevers being subject to frequent and dangerous relapses, but the most assiduous care was bestowed on him.
While David Leslie organized and drilled the king's new army beyond the Forth, Cromwell was, slowly and with frequent relapses, recovering from his illness.
Next, fifth, Sellman explains that addiction is characterized by frequent relapse, and that one should not expect to overcome addiction on the first try.
However, frequent relapses in his health prevented advances in his career.