The most frequent praise went towards the story.
Your child will not be spoiled or big-headed if you give frequent, genuine praise that reflects the effort they've put into tasks as well as the outcomes they achieve.
Reviews have been positive from academics in the neuroplasticity field, with frequent praise of Doidge's writing style.
However, instead of assuming a position of outright opposition, he adopted a tone of education, which included frequent praise and prostrations to the king and the authorities.
RT Book Reviews has also given frequent praise for the novels, with Eternal Kiss of Darkness winning its 2010 Vampire Romance Award.
Kotov's books also included frequent praise for the Soviet system in general.
It is crucial for the Judiciary Committee to discover what Clarence Thomas means by his frequent praise of "natural law" as a judicial resource for constitutional review.
An effective use of positive reinforcement would be frequent praise while an employee is learning a new task.
While frequent praise during the learning process can be beneficial, it can be hard to sustain indefinitely.
Seldes had a strained relationship with Ernest Hemingway, who constantly despised Seldes despite his frequent praise for Hemingway's work.