Until the 17th century, the Cape Corse was the target of frequent incursions of barbaric pirates.
This was a key factor in the defence of Toledo, before the frequent incursions by the Christians into al-Andalus.
It is widely rumored that frequent incursions into the Zone by stalkers carry a high risk of mutations in their children.
They were not merely interested in defending the realm, but made frequent incursions into Christian territories.
From the sixth century AD onwards the country fell, with frequent incursions from varying directions, into five main spheres of influence.
In the 8th century, there were more frequent Arabian incursions, and perhaps during this period the Monastery d'Agrò was destroyed.
For many centuries, Alicudi was the target of frequent incursions by pirates.
The early sultans had to deal with frequent incursions by Hoysala rulers.
Mr President, Peru has had quite a troubled constitutional life with frequent incursions by the military into civilian life.
At the same time, the Christian advance from the north resulted in frequent military incursions leaving a trail of general destruction and devastated crop fields.