Her frequent illnesses meant that she has rarely had consecutive years of good form.
He was painfully thin, and his frequent illnesses had given his face a crabbed look.
In any case, his frequent illnesses often kept him away from his first school, and he was taught for long stretches by private tutors.
Our most frequent illnesses are stomach problems, like diarrhoea and vomiting.
However, because of her frequent illness, Warner never finished high school.
He had gained an early appointment to the military academy at age 17, but lost time from frequent illnesses.
A history of frequent illnesses may also contribute to the development of this disorder.
He was no longer a capable officer and "the authorities were "annoyed at his frequent illnesses.
During the last decade of his life, Górecki suffered from frequent illnesses.
He learned scaled and perspective drawing, but frequent illnesses interrupted his studies.