One defendant in the case, Amjad Awan, has said General Noriega had a large account and frequent dealings with the bank.
He requested anonymity, citing his frequent dealings with wary Russian and Chinese energy officials.
By Bene Gesserit design, Dortujla had frequent dealings with smugglers.
Justice officials said that they had not known about his frequent dealings with the White House as the firings were being planned.
After all, Kane did have frequent dealings with the alchemist, and Damatjyst was almost certain to learn into whose hands his carving had fallen.
He had frequent dealings with the Millennium Group after he retired and moved to Seattle, Washington.
"He's in trouble," said an entertainment lawyer who has had frequent dealings with the Disney company.
Those who have had frequent dealings with the police appreciate the difference, though.
I thought, as I often do in my frequent dealings with lawyers, how cautious they are in all things.
He also had frequent dealings with government officials.