It may confuse people, if frequency data is used to explain a casal relationship.
Slowly, Lake passed by the helm and circled around to the communications station, where he bent to look at Chan's frequency data.
Its aim is to provide frequency data and modes of use of the basic vocabulary of German academic discourse.
This coefficient can only be calculated for frequency data represented in 2 x 2 tables.
A series of web services supported by this portal will allow computation of metrics based on the high frequency data.
Unfortunately, Piaget's accounts of these studies are rather lacking in frequency data so the extent to which the children psychologized is not clear.
Absolute frequency data play into the development of the trader's pre-programmed instructions.
- Software to fit a Lotka power law distribution to observed frequency data.
This data is graphed against the spatial frequency data.
This is a desirable feature especially when using low frequency data.