The above-described apparatus in a typical form is generally called a Tesla apparatus for the production of high frequency electric currents.
The primary coil may be excited by any desired source of high frequency current.
It was thought that in the body, Tesla currents travelled close to the skin surface, making them safer than lower frequency electric currents.
In this way, using a high frequency current of 60,000 volts, a permanent miniature storm was produced in the primitive atmosphere.
Collins said he invented a wireless telephone, or radio transmitter and receiver which used voice modulated high frequency currents in 1899.
A high frequency current does not pass for long distances along a conductor but rapidly transfers its energy by induction to adjacent conductors.
A graphite area is printed on the underside of the glass panel, and charged with a high frequency current.
Where high frequency currents are considered, with skin effect, the surface current densities and magnetic field may be obtained by solving the Laplace equation.
It makes high frequency currents on the surface of anything it hits.
When they strike the antenna of a radio receiver, the waves excite similar (but less powerful) radio frequency currents in it.