In their frenzied rush to get away, those in front killed those behind.
The announcement is the latest in a complicated web of alliances in the frenzied rush to sell music on line.
Slowly at first, by last week the flight was a frenzied rush by thousands for a rapidly closing door.
The flood waters ceased their frenzied rush and hung suspended, as if touched by Moses's staff.
Besides the overall economy, credit quality has been improved by tougher new bankruptcy laws that caused a frenzied rush to file last fall.
He was indeed being investigated, but by no stretch did he deserve this frenzied rush to judgment.
Afraid any hesitation would recall the barriers between them, they came together in a frenzied rush.
Following the frenzied rush for tickets during the general sale, the UK tour had completely sold out within three minutes.
There was the usual frenzied rush to get breakfasted and showered before we got moving.
He raced toward it, his movement camouflaged by a frenzied rush of people in that general direction.