The bidding was on, pinballing around the room, with 300 properties sold over eight frenzied hours.
In the next frenzied hours the people of Patamoke made a series of shocking discoveries.
But the impression left by the session's final frenzied hours can be misleading.
Iraqi rescue teams clawed at the rubble with hands and shovels deep into the night, but no survivors were pulled clear after the first frenzied hours.
He could diddle away a frenzied hour or two, then return unblemished to the business of being a doctor.
After a string of low-level office jobs, I was burnt out working 80 frenzied hours a week or worse, 40 boring hours.
And even for the enthusiast, the frenzied hours in the kitchen can be a time for a few choice words.
Not once had he thought of her in those frenzied hours, and for that much, at least, had she truly been lost to him.
After examining sales figures from the last frenzied hours before Christmas, experts yesterday declared this year's holiday season the worst in many years.
Since 1959, the Manhattan Savings Bank has offered live entertainment during the frenzied noontime hours.