In Arlington, city and state officials are in a frenzied, secretive competition with Ypsilanti, Mich., to keep their G.M. plant open.
For Wayne Werner, a commercial fishing skipper, and his boat's crew, the frenzied competition for prime catch in the Gulf of Mexico is a no-win proposition.
The Atlanta Constitution broke the story of the murder and was soon in a frenzied competition with the Georgian for readers.
Movie deals are commonly made on a handshake at film festivals, where frenzied competition and the numerous movies leave little time to iron out all the legal niceties.
Warez involve frenzied competition.
Matthew Weigman, a spokesman for Sotheby's, added: "There was a kind of frenzied competition at the sales.
After all, the auto business lives with unappetizingly slim profit margins, troops of retirees to help support, costly labor contracts and frenzied competition from overseas.
The frenzied competition among venture firms and among the firms and angel investors, is causing some qualms in the investment community.
With less than three months until the caucuses, the first real test of a candidate's strength in the voters' eyes, four other Democratic contenders are in an unusually frenzied competition.
And in only slightly less frenzied competition, NBC paid $300 million for the 1988 summer Games in Seoul.